Monday, December 8, 2008

Marrying His Pretty "Cousin"

“It was a stroke of luck, or perhaps it was planned for Anson to be home when son Anson Vasco married Charlotte Holbrook married them in his home. Young Anson and Charlotte had known each other since early childhood. They undoubtedly met in Kirtland where their fathers became friends. They played together as their families associated in Far West, Three Forks of Grand River, and Nauvoo. They left Nauvoo together and trudged the rainy miles across Iowa, wintered with the Ponca Indians in northern Nebraska, then retreated back to Missouri to camp a year before starting a second time for the Rocky Mountains. They finally settled a few miles apart, but not so far that Anson could not go to Aunt Hannah’s school again with his pretty ‘cousin.’”

Source: Anson Call and the Rocky Mountain Prophesy, p. 205.

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